We are often reminded that the value of the arts goes beyond their ability to entertain us and provide outlets for self-expression.

The vibrant arts and cultural community encourages people to not only enjoy new experiences, but to expand their minds and explore their senses beyond that which were previously imagined.

The United Arts Funds Drive was designed to put the money that we raise where it belongs, in the hands of the Artists, Musicians, and Filmmakers of the world who make the magic happen every day of their lives.

Unlike other organizations, ours will never offer funds to organizations who instead of distributing those monies to the actual Artists, they use the funds for their own ends.

The United Arts Funds Drive’s main goal is to raise money to foster and develop the arts in our region and around the world by supporting individual artists in expanding and presenting their artistic expressions and cultural diversity for the benefit of their communities.

Your gift to the United Arts Funds Drive will provide vital resources to individual Artists, Musicians, and Filmmakers that range in size, genre and scope of work.

By supporting the United Arts Funds Drive, you are not only supporting the actual Artists that foster the cultural ecology of the world, and ever community thereof, but you are ensuring that the “Arts” are, and remain a critical component of the fabric of our society.

Most importantly, by making a tax deductible contribution to the United Arts Funds Drive you are guaranteeing that the actual Artists, Musicians, and Filmmakers themselves are benefiting from your support, and that the money is not going to organizations.

For more information about the United Arts Funds Drive please contact us, or to make a donation click the button below.